As part of the show, there was even a press conference held for those of us on the card for SMASH 15. Again, everyone treated us with so much respect that I was honored to be taking part in this show and to even have been invited to Japan.
Meeting the crew of SMASH was an honor for me and again, everyone was really nice and very respectful (do you see a theme here?). The show included people like Tajiri, Sabu, Ultimo Dragon, Funaki, Akira Nogami, Kushida and that is only naming a few of the great and talented people on the show for that night.
The show started with a heart wrenching and much deserved remembrance of all the people affected by the Earthquake/Tsunami tragedy that struck Japan.

My opponent that evening was Akira Nogami in the opening match of the night. It would prove to be a tough match and skilled opponent, as I ended up losing the match. Akira has put in many years to the wrestling business and still continues to give a lot to it. To say it was an honor to be able to take part in a match against him would be accurate.
I just want to thank SMASH for the opportunity of coming out and working for their company. Also, to the SMASH fans and everyone in Japan, thank you for the tremendous and generous support and respect you showed me. I hope to be able to perform for you again, it would be an honor.
Please continue to help and show your support to those in Japan that need it. One organization that you can give to is Red Cross:
Here are a couple of website’s for SMASH for those wishing to check out more on this fast rising company:
Here are a couple pictures from the show, thank you T.SAKUMA and K.YAMAMOTO for taking them:

~Jon Cutler~