Author: Kahlian Malik
We all start out with a dream,
Spend years tryin' to acheive,
You tackle it at the seam,
Never meanin' to decieve,
But with a life this effn' hard,
...You just vyin' for the belt,
Can't always draw the perfect card,
Persevere the hand your dealt,
The lifestyle may be rough,
But we can't get enough,
Chasin' our Holy grail,
And were all gonna fail,
But we gotta get back up,
Get back on this wild ride,
Remember to buckle up,
Having heart is a thing of pride,
You makin' all us very proud,
What you've done for me you can't even imagine,
The message came to me very loud,
I was sittin' in the crowd,
Watchin' a Prime Cut example,
Seeing the future star,
We just experienced a sample,
A sample of my role model,
I owe a lot to this guy,
With this life theres no time to dawdle,
I wanna do this til I die,
Can't blame his success on the butler,
Your earning everything you got,
We all know his name is Jon Cutler,
Makin' his way to the top
What else, well...upcoming action you should check out WFX "Conflict Of Interest" on Friday, September, 17, 2010. One World Studios in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. www.wfxwrestling.com
Here is a pic of "The Hollywood Love Guns" sizing up their opponents at the last WFX show. ("Mr. Pec-Tacular" Jessie Godderz, "Prime Cut" Jon Cutler, Security Darren "The Bomb" Dalton with manager Jonny Fairplay-not in pic)

Anyway, guess one more thing...looking for a shoot'em up, explosion, 'guy' movie...check out The Expendables, if that is what you are looking for...this movie will deliver!
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